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April 30, 2007


Committee on Committees

CC.07.09   Nomination to the State Universities Retirement System Members Advisory Committee (SURSMAC)


The UIUC campus has two faculty representatives on the State Universities Retirement System Members Advisory Committee (SURSMAC), elected by the Senate for three-year terms.  These representatives are also ex officio members of the Senate Committee on Faculty Benefits.  The term of one of our representatives, Kenneth Andersen (LAS), expired on December 31, 2006.  The term of our other representative, Michael Grossman (ACES), will expire on December 31, 2007.


The Committee on Committees hereby nominates Kenneth Andersen to serve as a SURSMAC campus representative for a three-year term ending on December 31, 2009.

Committee on Committees
Kim Graber, Chair
Ariel Avila
Roy Campbell
Alfred Kagan
Dana Rabin
Ryan Ruzic
Rachel Schwartz
Jason Webber


Nominations from the floor must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if elected.  The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to be filled.  If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.