University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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December 4, 2006


Committee on Committees

CC.07.06     Nominations for Membership on the Sixth Senate Review Commission


According to Article V, Section 9 of the Senate Constitution, periodically the Senate shall provide for a comprehensive review of its size, organization, structure, and operation by a commission composed of members of the faculty and student electorates.  Such commission shall report its findings and make recommendations.  The report of the commission shall be made public and distributed as all other reports of the Senate.

Membership on recent SRC’s have included at least five faculty, one or two students, and one administrative liaison (ex officio).  The Committee on Committees believes there is merit to adding an academic professional to this group and the recommended nominations below reflect that belief.



Nicholas Burbules (EDUC - Educational Policy Studies), Chair
Joseph Finnerty (BUS – Finance)
Amy Gajda (COMM – Journalism)
Michael Grossman (ACES - Animal Sciences)
Doug Jones (ENGR - Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Joyce Tolliver (LAS - Spanish, Italian, Portuguese)

Academic Professional:

Vera Mainz (School of Chemical Sciences)


Frank Calabrese (LAS – History)
Lyle Shipton (GRAD – Aerospace Engineering)

Administrative liaison: (ex officio)

Robert Damrau (Clerk of the Senate)

Committee on Committees
Kim Graber, Chair
Ariel Avila
Roy Campbell
Alfred Kagan
Dana Rabin
Ryan Ruzic
Rachel Schwartz
Jason Webber

Nominations from the floor must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if elected.  The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to be filled.  If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.