University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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December 4, 2006


Committee on Committees

CC.07.05     Nominations for Membership on the Research Policy Committee (RPC)


In accord with a substitute motion for SP.96.03 approved by the Senate on March 19, 2001, there will be one campus Research Policy Committee appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR).  The RPC will consist of: 1 chair appointed by the VCR in consultation with the Senate; 1 representative from the Campus Research Board appointed by the VCR; the Dean of the Graduate College; 10 faculty - 5 appointed each year, 4 from a pool of nominees provided by the Senate and 1 appointed directly by the VCR; 1 graduate student and 1 undergraduate student.



Howard Berenbaum, Psychology (Behavioral and Social Sciences)
May Berenbaum, Entomology (Basic and Applied Life Sciences)
Guy Garnett, Music (Humanities and Creative Arts)
Valerie Hotchkiss, Library (Professional Programs/Library)
Peter Loeb, Mathematics (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Wanda Pillow, Educational Policy Studies (Professional Programs/Library)
David Ruzic, Nuclear Engineering (Engineering)
Assata Zerai, Sociology (Behavioral and Social Sciences)

Undergraduate Student:

Matthew Lucas (ENGR)
Gail Schnitzer (LAS)

Graduate/Professional Student:

Thomas Berfield
Ben Blaiszik

Committee on Committees
Kim Graber, Chair
Ariel Avila
Roy Campbell
Alfred Kagan
Dana Rabin
Ryan Ruzic
Rachel Schwartz
Jason Webber

Nominations from the floor must be accompanied by the nominee's signed statement of willingness to serve if elected.  The statement shall be dated and include the name of the position to be filled.  If present, the nominee's oral statement will suffice.