April 22, 2002
URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SENATE Committee on Committees
(Final - Action) CC.03.01 Nominations for Membership on the University Senates Conference (USC) Background There are nine (9) representatives from the Urbana campus to the University Senates Conference. Continuing members of the Urbana delegation to the USC, and the years their terms expire:
Thomas Conry ENGR 2003 Robert Fossum LAS 2003 Edwin Herricks ENGR 2004 Nancy O'Brien LIBR 2004 Robert Rich LAW 2003 Bryan White ACES 2004Nominations The following faculty senators are nominated for three-year terms on USC, expiring in 2005. (See below for bio-sketches of each nominee.) If no additional nominations are made, the three (3) nominees below will be declared elected:
Michael Grossman ACES David Sisson VMED Priscilla Yu LIBR
Michael R. Murphy, Chair
Bruce Geryk
Ronald Peters
John Prussing
Josh St. Peters
Billie Theide
Amanda Vinicky
Emily Watts
Priscilla C. Yu is Professor of Library Administration and Head of the City Planning and Landscape Architecture Library at the University Library. Her research interests include Chinese academic libraries, administration, collection development, international exchange, and the meeting of East Asian and Western libraries and values. She is an active member and served in a variety of positions in both the national American Library Association (ALA) and the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA).
She is currently serving as Chair of the Association of College and Research Libraries (division of ALA), International Relations Committee, Board of Directors of CALA; on the campus level, she has been Chair, UIUC Senate Equal Opportunity Committee, currently serving on the Campus Diversity Initiative Committee, ex officio member of the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women, Chair, Library and Media Subcommittee of the Asian-American Studies Program, and the College of Fine and Applied Arts Library Committee; in the Library she is serving on the Faculty Review Committee, Task Force on the International Strategy for the University Library, Friends Supplementary Funds Committee, Interdisciplinary Serials Committee, and served as Chair, Library Research and Publication Committee. In 1999, she was the recipient of the Chinese American Librarians Association's 1999 Distinguished Service Award.