October 23, 2000
URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SENATE Committee on Committees
(Final - Action) CC.01.07 Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate Admissions Committee
To fill a student vacancy created by the resignation of Mona Thakkar
Keith Viverito LAS 2001 Continuing Education and Public Service Committee
To fill a faculty vacancy created by the resignation of Bob Rich
Hun Y. Park CBA 2001 University Statutes and Senate Procedures Committee
To fill a student vacancy created by the resignation of Megan Nowicki
Gwyn Boyce COMM 2001 To fill a student vacancy created by the resignation of Yuval Rubinstein
Brent Covington LAS 2001 University Student Life Committee
To fill a student vacancy created by the resignation of Jessica Stadsholt
Jayson Gasper ENGR 2001
Karen Chapman-Novakofski, Chair
Oscar Biondolillo
Meredith Blumthal
Peter Colwell
Thomas F. Conry
Linda C. Smith
Billy Vaughn
Emily Watts