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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Senate Executive Committee Resolution on Trustee Selection
August 17, 2009

Whereas effective governance and administration of the University of Illinois requires informed, expert, dedicated, and independent oversight by the Board of Trustees;

Whereas the circumstances revealed through the course of investigations by the Chicago Tribune and the Illinois Admissions Review Commission have demonstrated that current provisions of the University of Illinois Trustees Act (110 ILCS 310/) are insufficient to secure the quality of oversight and leadership of the University deserved by Illinois citizens;

Whereas the investigations and recent resignations of members of the Board of Trustees have left the University in a weakened position at a time of particular economic challenges;

Whereas legislative drafting and passage of appropriate amendments to the University of Illinois Trustees Act will require careful consideration and time to ensure quality and consensus;

Whereas the need to fill the current vacancies and respond to issues raised by the investigation should not overshadow the long-term need for strong, informed, and ethical leadership;

Whereas the Senate Executive Committee of the Urbana-Champaign Senate represents the leadership of the Urbana-Champaign faculty and students in shared governance; and

Whereas, the Urbana-Champaign Senate Bylaws (Part D 1. (e)) authorize its Senate Executive Committee to take action in instances where timing and events do not allow convening of the full Senate,

Now therefore be it resolved that the Senate Executive Committee urges Governor Pat Quinn to continue to:

Proceed deliberatively to name replacements for all Board of Trustee members who have already resigned or do later resign;

Ensure credibility, quality, and integrity by establishing a Task Force on the Selection of Trustees to receive, review and advise on nominations to the Board;

Constitute the Task Force on the Selection of Trustees to include the chairs of the Chicago, Springfield, and Urbana-Champaign Senates, as well as leaders in higher education from outside of the University of Illinois, and additional citizens of integrity with a record of dedication to the University of Illinois;

Be it further resolved that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Senate Executive Committee stand ready to work with its University of Illinois at Chicago and University of Illinois at Springfield counterparts to assist in the rebuilding of the public’s trust in the University of Illinois; and

Be it finally resolved that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Senate Executive Committee stand ready to develop further recommendations regarding changes in the University of Illinois Trustees Act to provide an improved process for the selection of Trustees and to include faculty representation on the Board.