Urbana-Champaign Senate Meeting
January 21, 1998
A special meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called
to order at 4:10 p.m., in Foellinger Auditorium, with Chancellor
Michael Aiken presiding.
Senate Council Report
Senator Richard Schacht (Las), Chair of the Senate Council,
announced that the following senators had agreed to serve as tellers: Stephen
A. Douglas (Las), James L. Robinson (Aces), Ronald Sousa (Las), Geneva
Belford (Engr), Donald Uchtmann (Aces), Heidi Von Gunden (Faa) and R. Linn
Belford (Las).
Schacht reminded those present of the possibility that a
run-off election may be needed to elect the search committee for a provost and
vice-chancellor for academic affairs; he asked all senators to remain in the
auditorium until the final outcome is determined. He reminded senators that
the Senate Constitution allows only faculty senators to nominate and
vote for faculty members and only student senators to nominate and vote for
student members.
Schacht reported that CBOC issues are expected to be an
item for information and discussion at the February 9 Senate meeting. He
added that Senate Council is meeting January 26 with President Stukel to
address a number of issues; Schacht will report to the Senate the outcome of
those discussions.
Chancellor's Remarks
The Chancellor briefly noted that President Bill Clinton
is scheduled to visit our campus next Wednesday, with final details still
being worked out. He also announced that 2 of his 3 faculty appointments to
the provost search committee are Kathleen Conlin, Dean of the College of Fine
and Applied Arts, and Paul Bohn, Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry,
College of LAS. (Subsequent to the meeting, Chancellor Aiken appointed
Professor William Greenough (Las) to the Search Committee, and named Prof.
Bohn as Chair.)
Proposals for Action
01/21/98-01 Chancellor Aiken presented
for action SC.98.13*, Procedures for the Election of Faculty and Students to
Serve on the Search Committee for a Provost and Vice-Chancellor for Academic
Affairs (Vcaa). There was no discussion.
Upon voice vote, the proposal was approved.
01/21/98-03 The Chancellor presented
for action CC.98.08*, Nominations for Faculty Membership on the Search
Committee for a Provost and VCAA. Senator John Garner (Faa) nominated Sen.
Carolyn Dry (Faa); Dry verbally declared her willingness to be nominated.
Senator John Lalande (Las) nominated Sen. Al Kagan (Libr); Kagan verbally
declared his willingness to be nominated. Senator Sonya Michel (Las)
nominated Professor Paula Treichler; Professor Treichler was present and
declared her willingness to be nominated.
A motion to close nominations was approved by voice vote.
Tellers distributed ballots to faculty senators and reported the following
vote totals:
Ilesanmi Adesida 37Urbana-Champaign Senate Meeting
January 21, 1998
Richard Burkhardt 44
Larry DeBrock 28
Lizanne DeStefano 39
Carolyn Dry 18
William Greenough. 32
Michael Grossman 41
Wanda Haschek-Hock 30
Al Kagan 23
William J. Maher 26
Dianne Pinderhughes 50
Wesley Seitz 42
Ira Solomon 19
Paula Treichler 32 Since none of the nominees garnered the 51 votes needed to obtain a majority from among the 100 votes cast, a run-off election was held among Professors Adesida, Burkhardt, DeStefano, Grossman, Pinderhughes, and Seitz. Tellers distributed ballots and reported the following vote totals: Ilesanmi Adesida 51
Richard Burkhardt 67
Lizanne DeStefano 63
Michael Grossman 52
Dianne Pinderhughes 59
Wesley Seitz 51 01/21/98-04 Professors Burkhardt, DeStefano, Grossman, and Pinderhughes were declared elected. A run-off election was held between Professors Adesida and Seitz. Tellers distributed ballots and reported the following vote totals: Ilesanmi Adesida 25
Wesley Seitz 20 01/21/98-05 Professor Adesida was declared elected. 01/21/98-06 Chancellor Aiken presented for action CC.98.09*, Nominations for Student Membership on the Search Committee for a Provost and Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed. Tellers distributed ballots to student senators and reported the following vote totals: Undergraduate students: Laura Appenzeller 10
Benjamin Hafele 8 Graduate/Professional students: Timothy Eatman 9
Daniel Lillig 9 01/21/98-07 Ms. Appenzeller was declared elected. A run-off election was held between Messrs. Eatman and Lillig. Tellers distributed ballots and reported the following vote totals: Timothy Eatman 10
Daniel Lillig 8 01/21/98-08 Mr. Eatman was declared elected. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Robert C. Damrau, Clerk
* Filed with the Clerk of the Senate and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.