Urbana-Champaign Senate
October 4, 2010; 3:10 p.m.
Levis Faculty Center
I. Approval of April 19 and April 26 Senate Minutes (2009-2010 Senate attendance)
II. Senate Executive Committee Report—Joyce Tolliver, Chair
III. Chancellor’s Remarks
IV. Questions/Discussion
V. Consent Agenda
If a senator wishes to move an item from Consent to Proposals for Action and have copies at the meeting, they must notify the Senate Office at least two business days before the meeting. Any senator can ask to have any item moved from the Consent Agenda to Proposals for Action.
Proposal from the GRAD College and College of Media to Revise the M.S. in Advertising |
Educational Policy |
EP.11.01 |
VI. Proposed Revisions to the University Statutes (First Reading, Information)
Revisions to the Statutes, Article X, Section 2 – Academic Freedom |
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
SP.10.11 |
VII. Proposed Revisions to the Senate Bylaws
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
SP.10.06 |
VIII. Proposed Revisions to the Senate Election Rules
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
SP.10.08 |
Senate Election Rules for the Other Academic Staff – ABC Electorate |
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
SP.10.09 -A |
Senate Election Rules for the Other Academic Staff – D Electorate |
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
SP.10.09 -B |
Changes in the Senate Election Rules for the Student Electorate |
University Statutes and Senate Procedures |
SP.10.10 |
IX. Proposals for Action
Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate |
Committee on Committees |
CC.11.03 |
Resolution on the Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government Foundation (ACLGF) |
Senate Executive Committee |
SC.11.03 |
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment