Urbana-Champaign Senate Organizational Meeting
April 17, 2006
The organizational meeting of the 2006-07 Senate was called to order at 3:15 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium, with Chancellor Richard Herman presiding.
Senate Executive Committee Report
Senator Vernon Burton (LAS), Senate Executive Committee (SEC) Chair, said that during today’s meeting, the Senate will elect three members of the 2006-2007 SEC from among Senate committee chairs. Ballots have been prepared based on each chair’s willingness to serve if elected.
Burton reported that student senators have elected Katie Dunne (LAS), Ryan Ruzic (LAS), and Jason Webber (GRAD) to the 2006-07 SEC.
Burton announced the following had agreed to serve as tellers: Joseph Goldberg (MED), Harry Hilton (ENGR), Michael Murphy (ACES), Barbara Hug (EDUC), Richard Schacht (LAS) and Edward Roy (MED).
Chancellor’s Remarks
There were no remarks.
Reports for Information of the Senate
Chancellor Herman presented the following reports for information.
04/17/06-01 SC.07.01*, Results of the Election of Senate Executive Committee Chair and Vice-Chair and for Members of the Committee on Committees
04/17/06-02 SP.07.01*, Faculty and Student Electorate and Senator Distribution
04/17/06-03 SP.07.02*, 2006-07 Urbana-Champaign Senate Membership.
Proposals for Action
04/17/06-04 The Presiding Officer presented for action CC.07.01*, Nominations for Membership on the University Senates Conference (USC). Senator Robert Fossum (LAS) nominated Senators Vernon Burton (LAS) and Richard Schacht (LAS); Burton and Schacht indicated their willingness to serve. Senator Abbas Aminmansour (FAA) withdrew his name from nomination. There were no other floor nominations; nominations were declared closed. Tellers distributed ballots and reported the following vote totals:
Vernon Burton |
60 |
Karen Chapman-Novakofski |
42 |
Joseph Finnerty |
31 |
Richard Schacht |
33 |
Senators Burton, Chapman-Novakofski and Schacht were declared elected.
04/17/06-05 The Chancellor presented for action SC.07.02*, Election of One Member of the Urbana Delegation to the University Senates Conference to Serve on the Senate Executive Committee. There were no floor nominations; nominations were declared closed. Ballots were distributed; tellers reported the following preliminary vote totals:
Karen Chapman-Novakofski |
7 |
Robert Fossum |
17 |
Michael Grossman |
27 |
Al Kagan |
11 |
Matthew Wheeler |
2 |
Because no candidate received a majority of the votes cast on the preliminary ballot, a runoff election between the top two vote-getters was declared. Ballots were distributed, and the tellers reported the following vote totals:
Robert Fossum |
18 |
Michael Grossman |
36 |
04/17/06-06 Senator Grossman was declared elected.
Ballots were distributed for the election of three at-large committee chairs to the Senate Executive Committee; tellers reported the following vote totals:
Elizabeth Delacruz |
39 |
Michael Hirschi |
21 |
Barclay Jones |
35 |
Tim Liao |
32 |
Mark Roszkowski |
22 |
Senator Delacruz and Professors Jones and Liao were declared elected.
04/17/06-07 Dr. Herman presented for action CC.07.02*, Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate and the Military Education Council. Senator Kim Graber (ALS), Committee on Committees Chair, moved approval of the slate. Senator Peter Loeb (LAS) self-nominated for the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee and Senator Al Kagan (LIBR) self-nominated for the Library Committee. There were no additional floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.
Ballots were distributed for the LAS faculty position on the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, and the tellers reported the following vote totals:
Ilia Kapovitch |
19 |
Peter Loeb |
30 |
Senator Loeb was declared elected.
Ballots were distributed for the new faculty positions on the Library Committee, and the tellers reported the following vote totals:
Al Kagan |
34 |
Steve Lumetta |
30 |
Janice Pilch |
27 |
Edward Roy |
38 |
Senators Kagan, Lumetta and Roy were declared elected.
04/17/06-08 By voice vote, the slate of committee nominees was approved, as amended.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Robert C. Damrau, Clerk of the Senate
* Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.