University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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February 16, 2004

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium with Chancellor Nancy Cantor presiding.

02/16/04-01 The minutes of December 8, 2003, were approved as written.

Senator Michael Grossman (ACES), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), reported the following activities of the SEC and other items:

Welcome to the first Senate meeting of the Spring Semester. Although we are almost a month into the term, it's not too late to wish both students and faculty a professionally rewarding Spring term.

A lot has happened since the beginning of the semester. Within a span of two weeks, our President announced his retirement, and our Chancellor announced her departure to lead Syracuse University.

The Senate Executive Committee (the SEC) approved two resolutions, on February 9, which were distributed at the door today (printed double sided). Each resolution has been transmitted to the University Board of Trustees, the President, the Chancellor, the Office of Public Affairs, the University Senates Conference, and the UIC and UIS Senates.

The shorter resolution says that the SEC not only applauds the Chancellor's courage and leadership in taking public stands on controversial issues, something we've done on an earlier occasion, but it also express its profound regret for her decision to leave this campus.

The longer resolution says essentially that as long as the controversy surrounding the Chief remains, it may be difficult at best to recruit outstanding leaders for the University and for the Urbana campus. It continues saying that the Board of Trustees has an opportunity now, prior to the selection of a new President and Chancellor, to act in the best interests of the University and of the campus, so as to create an environment conducive to attract the excellent leadership the University and campus merit. Finally, it says that in the best interests of the University and of this campus, the Board should formally take action to retire the Chief at this time. This resolution is intended to raise the level of discourse, literally and figuratively, from one of divisiveness at the campus to one of finding common ground at the University, by asking the Board to do what is in the best interests of the campus and the University.

For these two resolutions to carry more weight, I ask the Senate on behalf of the SEC, to affirm the sense of these resolutions. Chancellor Cantor, I move that these two resolutions be added to today's agenda and be placed on the action agenda. (There was no objection.)

We are now in the process of constructing and naming a Consultative Committee to assist in the search for a president. The Senate Constitution, Article V, Section 11, states "When the Senate selects members of a search committee, faculty senators shall nominate and elect faculty members … and student senators shall nominate and elect student members…". Today, you will be part of the process of constructing and naming a Consultative Committee by your action on the resolution co-sponsored by GUP and SEC on consultative committees to assist in the selection of higher administrative officers, starting on page 65 of your pink (Valentine's Day) packet; and by your actions on the nominations for faculty membership on the Consultative Committee, starting on page 85, and on the nominations for student membership, starting on page 91. Ballots will be distributed in accord with this policy.

There will be a Special Meeting of the Board on 19 February, in advance of the Board launching the search for a new president. At that meeting, the Board will review what the campus and the university need in a leader. We expect that a position description will be prepared that identifies major needs of the campus and the university and defines the requisite qualifications to realize those needs [Report of Select Committee to Review Search Procedures for Major Administrative Positions (1991), approved unanimously by the Board in 2000].

I have been asked to speak at the Special Meeting, so I am asking for your help to identify the needs of the campus and the university, as well as the qualifications that we are looking for in a president so as to realize those needs. Let me offer an example of what I am asking for:

"Our goal at UIUC and UI is to be among pre-eminent, world-class research institutions, without diminishing our commitment to quality in teaching and in public service. To realize that goal, we need a president who is dedicated to excellence in academic scholarship and who has a broad understanding and a well-rooted appreciation of the land-grant institution."

Other examples include the need to raise private funds, to lobby state government, and to speak on behalf of all of higher education at state and national levels.

If you have suggestions for other needs of the campus and of the university, and for the qualifications required to meet those needs, please email them to me ( as soon as possible. I appreciate your input, and thank you in advance.

You should have picked up at the door addendums (printed double sided) to CC.04.09, which is CC.04.09A, and to CC.04.10, which is CC.04.10A.

Floor privileges have been requested for Dr. Faye Lesht, Head of Academic Outreach in the Office of Continuing Education, to speak to SP.04.07. There was no objection.

Grossman announced that the following individuals have agreed to serve as tellers: Herman Krier, Adam Blahnik, Norman Denzin, and Geneva Belford.

Chancellor Cantor expressed appreciation for the support she has received from the Senate and the campus during her tenure at UIUC and indicated that she would be departing for Syracuse University on July 1, 2004.

The Chancellor then turned the podium over to Oliver J. Clark, Executive Director for Public Safety, who spoke to issues within his portfolio. (Copies of Mr. Clark's Powerpoint presentation are available from his office.)

There were no substantive questions.

The Presiding Officer announced that since a seated senator objected to the inclusion of EP.04.19, EP.04.20, EP.04.21, and EP.04.22 under this rubric, these proposals would be considered under Proposals for Action. The remaining proposals were then approved by unanimous consent:

02/16/04-02 EP.04.15*, Proposal to Change the Title of B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees, Aerospace Engineering,
02/16/04-03 EP.04.16*, Revision in the Cinema Studies Option of the LAS Interdisciplinary Major,
02/16/04-04 EP.04.17*, Revision of the Engineering Physics Curriculum,
02/16/04-05 EP.04.18*, Proposal to Transfer the Department of Economics to LAS from the College of Business.

02/16/04-06 Chancellor Cantor presented for action GP.04.01/SC.04.09*, Resolution on the Selection of Higher Administrative Officers. Senator Michael Grossman moved approval of the resolution on behalf of the Senate Executive Committee and the General University Policy Committee, co-sponsors of the measure.

02/16/04-07 By voice vote, the resolution was approved.

02/16/04-08 Dr. Cantor presented for action CC.04.08*, Nominations for Faculty Membership on a Consultative Committee to Assist in the Selection of a President. Senator John Prussing, Chair of the Committee on Committees, moved approval of the slate of nominees. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed. Ballots were distributed to faculty senators; tellers reported the following voting results, which will be forwarded to the University Senates Conference (USC):

02/16/04-09 Kal Alston 41, James Anderson 55, Warwick Arden 20, Vernon Burton 45, Faye Dong 31, Robert Fossum 40, Michael Grossman 47, Michael Loui 49, Nancy O'Brien 52, Rolando Romero 41, Richard Schacht 39, Billie Theide 33.

02/16/04-10 Chancellor Nancy Cantor presented for action CC.04.09*, Nominations for Student Membership on a Consultative Committee to Assist in the Selection of a President. Senator Prussing moved approval of the slate of nominees on CC.04.09 and CC.04.09A, its addendum. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed. Ballots were distributed to student senators; tellers reported the following voting results, which will be forwarded to USC:

02/16/04-11 Steve Leathers 13, Aisha Lamb Sobh 10, Jerry Talton 5, Aaron Thomas 14.

02/16/04-12 The Chancellor presented for action CC.04.07*, Senate Approval of Nominations for the Athletic Board. Senator Prussing moved approval of the slate of nominees. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed. Senator Al Kagan (LIBR) indicated that the views of at least one nominee about the Chief were known; he wished he knew the views of the rest of the candidates on this matter.

02/16/04-13 By voice vote, the slate of nominees on CC.04.07 was approved.

02/16/04-14 Dr. Cantor presented for action CC.04.10*, Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate. Senator Prussing moved approval of the slate of nominees on both CC.04.10 and CC.04.10A, the addendum distributed at the door. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.

02/16/04-15 By voice vote, the slate of nominees on CC.04.10/CC.04.10A was approved.

The Chancellor presented the following reports for action; Senator Vernon Burton (LAS), Educational Policy Committee Chair, welcomed any questions. No substantive questions were forthcoming, so each was approved.

02/16/04-16 EP.04.19*, Revision of the Undergraduate Curriculum in Early Childhood Education,

02/16/04-17 EP.04.20*, Creation of Four Areas of Concentration within the Bachelor of Fine Arts Theatre Degree,

02/16/04-18 EP.04.21*, Formalization of Three Areas of Concentration within the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Crafts,

02/16/04-19 EP.04.22*, Creation of Three Concentration within B.M.E.

Senator Michael Grossman presented for action the short resolution noted above (under SEC report), which conveyed that the SEC not only applauds the Chancellor's courage and leadership in taking public stands on controversial issues, something we've done on an earlier occasion, but it also express its profound regret for her decision to leave this campus.

The Senate approved the resolution by voice vote, with a corresponding round of applause.

Senator Grossman presented for action the long resolution noted under his SEC report, which states that as long as the controversy surrounding the Chief remains, it may be difficult at best to recruit outstanding leaders for the University and for the Urbana campus. This resolution is intended to raise the level of discourse, literally and figuratively, from one of divisiveness at the campus to one of finding common ground at the University, by asking the Board to do what is in the best interests of the campus and the University.

Objections were raised about the urgency of the vote, as well as the logic expressed in the arguments of the resolution. A motion to delay voting on this resolution until the March 29 Senate meeting failed by voice vote. A motion to close debate was approved by voice vote.

The Senate approved the resolution by show of hands.

02/16/04-20 The Chancellor presented for action SP.04.06*, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.17 - Committee on University Senates Conference. Senator Joseph Finnerty (BUS), Chair of the Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures, briefly described the background for this proposal and he moved its approval.

02/16/04-21 By voice vote, SP.04.06 was approved.

02/16/04-22 The Chancellor presented for action SP.04.07*, Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.9 - Committee on Educational Policy. Senator Finnerty recapitulated the proposal's background and he moved its approval.

02/16/04-23 By voice vote, SP.04.07 was approved.

The Presiding Officer presented the following reports for information:

02/16/04-24 FAC.04.01*, Faculty Advisory Committee's Annual Report to the Faculty,

02/16/04-25 SC.04.07*, Report of the January 15 BOT Meeting,

02/16/04-26 HE.04.05*, Report of the December 5 FAC/IBHE Meeting,

02/16/04-27 HE.04.06*, Report of the December 9 BHE Meeting,

02/16/04-28 UC.04.04*, Report of the January 23 USC Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.