February 17, 2003
A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium with Chancellor Nancy Cantor presiding.
February 17, 2003
02/17/03-01 The minutes of the December 9, 2002, Senate meeting were approved as written. SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT
Senator Robert Fossum (LAS), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), moved, without objection, that floor privileges be extended to Professors Leslie Struble and Alex Scheeline, respectively, 2001-02 and 2000-01 Chairs of the Senate Library Committee, to speak to the Committee of the Whole discussion. Dr. Fossum announced that the following senators have agreed to serve as tellers: Bryan White (ACES), Roger Shanks (ACES), Trent Maurer (GRAD), and Steve Seitz (LAS). Senator Fossum then reiterated the following statement which University Trustee Kenneth Schmidt read at the February 13 Board of Trustees Meeting:
"I apologize to Chancellor Cantor that we were unable to stop the senseless assault on her as well as her family, most readily apparent in billboards within the community. The Board of Trustees feels strongly that these recent events are totally inappropriate, misdirected, mean-spirited, and offensive. The Board of Trustees restates its confidence in the leadership of the Chancellor."
On the heels of that statement, Acting Presiding Officer Fossum reported that the following resolution was approved by the Senate Executive Committee on February 10 and circulated via email to the entire campus immediately thereafter:
"Whereas, Chancellor Nancy Cantor has demonstrated outstanding leadership and vision for this campus; and Whereas, It has been unfairly and inappropriately alleged that the Chancellor intends to take action on matters over which she has no authority or control; be it Resolved, That the UIUC Senate records its strong support of Chancellor Cantor for her energy, understanding, insight, and wisdom in leading this campus; and Resolved, That the UIUC Senate anticipates and will welcome the continuation of her strong leadership of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."
Senator Fossum asked the Senate to affirm the sense of this resolution by giving the Chancellor a round of applause; the Senate responded enthusiastically. Senator Al Kagan (LIBR) thought the resolution would carry more weight if the Senate voted upon it. Fossum replied that it would require unanimous consent to add it to today's agenda as an action item - the Senate immediately provided such consent by voice vote. Senator Fossum called for a voice vote of support for the resolution; the resolution was approved by an overwhelming majority. CHANCELLOR'S REMARKS
The Chancellor thanked the Senate for their resolution of support. She deferred further remarks and turned the podium over to Vice-Chancellor for Public Engagement and Institutional Relations Steven Schomberg, who delivered the following prepared remarks:
Chancellor Cantor, Professor Fossum, and members of the Senate, it is my pleasure to provide you an update on Public Engagement. Across campus new partnerships with external constituents are emerging that link our knowledge and expertise to the critical issues faced by the people of Illinois. These partnerships carry reciprocal benefits and we seek ways to make them sustainable. Partnerships are not new. We are building on a long record of successful partnerships similar to what the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center (College of Engineering) has with industry - its faculty members tell me that they can't distinguish where teaching and research end and the contribution to industry begins. It is a seamless partnership of learning for both the university and the industry. A different kind of partnership is that of U of I Extension (in ACES and Veterinary Medicine). Extension is a partnership with federal, state and local government that dates back to the early 20th Century. It is a dynamic partnership constantly being reshaped and redefined to respond to a changing demography and set of issues. Partnerships across campus connect the University with government, cities, schools, neighborhoods, and businesses. One of our signature programs is the East St. Louis Action Research Project. The Departments of Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture, and Landscape Architecture created a program that integrates faculty research, students' education and community building in ways that provide reciprocal benefits for both the community and the university -- design classes, work weekends, technical assistance center, faculty research. Many of our new partnerships were enabled with a grant from the Partnership Illinois program, starting in 1996. For example, the Academy for Municipal Excellence is a partnership with the Illinois Municipal League for educating city officials; now expanding to county officials. The Academy, and programs like it, demonstrate that public engagement is not a one-way transfer of knowledge and expertise. In the new paradigm, dialogue, deliberation and interaction are essential for defining the critical issues and for developing the strategies for addressing the issues. Public engagement often starts with identifying critical societal issues. For example, the campus has sponsored two critical issues conferences attended by legislators and school, social agency, and business leaders. This fall, the third conference will be held in the Chicago area. The cross-campus initiatives are an excellent example of how critical issues connect to public engagement. Each of the initiatives builds on a critical societal need (See the initiatives at
). One of the exciting elements about these initiatives is that by engaging a critical societal issue, all parts of our mission are affected - our scholarship and research; our teaching and curriculum, as well as the creation of new partnerships with external constituents. Let me end by sharing eight ways we are advancing our public engagement commitment along with an example of each.
- Creating new linkages between the university and the local community - community capacity building.
- Metropolitan Intergovernmental Council - community growth strategies; public health campus strategy involving Frances Nelson Health Center, the Department of Community Health and the cities.
- Urban Exchange Center - Black student achievement.
- Capitalizing on the connections of the campus cultural organizations to engage the community.
- Cultural Engagement Council - (the Library, KAM, KCPA, Spurlock, WILL) community linkages, curriculum linkages. e.g. Jazz program - Hosting the Imagining America Conference in the fall.
- Building on the natural linkages of our faculties and colleges with external constituencies.
- For example the College of Education has a natural connection to teacher and administrator training -- Novice Teacher Support Program (and other P-16 initiatives including No Child Left Behind programs).
- Teaming with external partners to create learning and research opportunities in the field.
- Language Wellness (Applied Life Studies): A partnership between the Chicago Youth Center Head Start Program and the Department of Speech and Hearing Science. The Head Start teachers receive curriculum help and our students are able to provide assistance, expertise and support in the areas of language and literacy enrichment. The University benefits from the research opportunity to evaluate language acquisition interventions and the Head Start classrooms are training sites for our students.
- Increasing the opportunities for students to engage the world which they are preparing to lead through community-based experiences.
- The "Learning In Community" program (LINC) offers such an extended classroom. Last semester more than 40 students (130 this semester), from across the campus, undertook community-based projects while learning the skills of team work and communication.
- Connecting our long-standing public engagement organizations with new campus partners.
- U of I Extension 4-H program is involved in the NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership proposal submitted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Working with International Partners
- The small town libraries project is a partnership between the Mortenson Center at the University of Illinois Library and the Rudomino School at the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature located in Moscow. Its purpose is to work with local communities in Russia to assist the transition for local libraries from exclusively serving as centers of book culture to the addition of roles as active information centers for their communities (engaged with communities).
- Growing our Chicago area presence.
- Executive MBA program
- Continuing Education at the Illini Center and in Lake and DuPage County
- NCSA/College of Education at the Technology Research, Education and Commercialization Center in Western DuPage County
- Enable our university to be useful to society in producing the most fitting and innovative ideas.
- Contribute to educating the most well prepared citizens.
- Nurture collaboration with communities and organizations to meet mutual goals.
Senator Ron Peters (ILIR) asked if there have been any ramifications on campus from the passage of the Patriot Act. Chancellor Cantor replied that we are working with our colleagues in the American Association of Universities (AAU) to develop a cohesive response, while we are obligated to follow the letter of the law. University Librarian Paula Kaufman added that under provisions of the Patriot Act the campus has yet to be asked to provide any circulation or other library data on any patrons. She pointed out that the Patriot Act also prohibits one from telling anyone if you've been asked to provide such information. Professor Kaufman asserted the library's commitment to the privacy of its patrons. Senator Harry Hilton (ENGR) asked about the Library's practice of maintaining tape backups of circulation and other data for six months. Kaufman replied that is the practice of the Illinois Library Computer Systems Office (ILCSO), as requested by the Library. She added that many faculty and staff appreciate the Library being able to locate a previous request for material, which would not necessarily be possible if the tape backups were discontinued. Senator Kagan thanked the Chancellor for her support in establishing the campus Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) International Legal Defense Fund, which assists international students and faculty with immigration-related funding problems, especially regarding Special Registration. OLD BUSINESS
Senator Peter Mortensen (LAS), Chair of the Senate Committee on Educational Policy, reminded senators that EP.02.26*, 2005-2006 Academic Calendar, was under consideration when the December 9 Senate Meeting was declared adjourned due to a lack of quorum. Dr. Mortensen reiterated the rationale for his Committee bringing this calendar to a Senate vote at this time. He moved its approval. Senator Mark Roszkowski (CBA) thanked the Educational Policy Committee for their thorough efforts to consider alternatives to existing calendar policies. However, he believed there was no great hurry to pass this today, and he asked the Educational Policy Committee to think about bringing it back to Senate, with his amendments, later in the semester. Senator Mortensen respectively declined to table his motion. By voice vote, a motion to close debate was approved. 02/17/03-02 By show of hands, EP.02.26 was approved. CONSENT AGENDA
After Senator Steven Hill (LAS) requested that EP.03.06 and EP.03.08 be considered under proposals for action, the Chancellor announced that the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent: 02/17/03-03 EP.03.07*, Proposal to Change the Name of the Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering to the Department of Aerospace Engineering,
02/17/03-04 EP.03.09*, Revision of the Mathematics Minor,
02/17/03-05 EP.03.10*, Proposal to Rename the Women's Studies Program to Gender and Women's Studies,
02/17/03-06 EP.03.12*, Proposal for the Creation of the Doctor of Audiology Degree Program. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE SENATE BYLAWS
02/17/03-07 The Presiding Officer presented for action SP.03.06*, Revisions to the Bylaws Part D.1 (b) - Senate Executive Committee Membership. Senator Joseph Finnerty (CBA), Chair of the Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures, after highlighting some of the salient points of the proposal's background, moved its approval. Senator Peter Loeb moved that the proposal be amended to clarify how the election of three at-large committee chairs should be conducted. Senator Richard Schacht (LAS) moved that the two components of Loeb's amendment (i.e., re-ordering of this subsection and the actual text of the amendment) be voted on separately; the motion was approved. By voice vote, the re-ordering component (moving (b) to (g)) was approved. Senator R. Linn Belford (LAS) asked about the timing of such an election. Senator Finnerty indicated that it would likely be conducted in conjunction with the Senate organizational meeting each spring. Senator Joan Klein (LAS) moved to add language that would call for a rotation of committee chairs serving on the Senate Executive Committee, instead of an election. This motion garnered little support and was defeated by voice vote. By voice vote, the text of the amendment was approved. Senator Hill moved to add the following language on line 2 between "of" and (a) a Chair…" : "16 members consisting of a". The motion was approved by voice vote. 02/17/03-08 By voice vote, SP.03.06 was approved, as amended. PROPOSALS FOR ACTION
02/17/03-09 Dr. Cantor presented for action CC.03.08*, Senate Approval of Nominations for the Athletic Board. Senator John Prussing (ENGR), Chair of the Senate Committee on Committees, moved approval of the slate of nominees. In light of the Senate-approved resolution to retire Chief Illiniwek a few years ago, Senator Kagan asked if the Committee on Committees endeavored to determine what stance these nominees have on this issue. Senator Prussing responded that his Committee discussed the matter and did not actively seek that information, especially after becoming convinced that the Athletic Board has absolutely no jurisdiction on the matter. Until that information became available, Senator Kagan moved to table these nominations. By show of hands, the motion to table was defeated. 02/17/03-10 By show of hands, CC.03.08 was approved. 02/17/03-11 The Chancellor presented for action EP.03.06*, Revision of the MATSE Undergraduate Curriculum. Senator Hill questioned the lack of a definition for the acronym "MATSE". He moved, and the motion was approved, to add an asterisk after the first appearance of "MATSE" with an accompanying footnote defining this acronym as "Materials Science & Engineering". 02/17/03-12 By voice vote, EP.03.06 was approved, as amended. 02/17/03-13 Chancellor Cantor presented for action EP.03.08*, Proposal to Change the Name of the Performance Studies Program in the Department of Theatre. Senator Hill suggested that perhaps the name of the program should be "Theatrical" Studies to avoid confusion with the name of the department. He was assured by a representative from the Theatre Department that such confusion will be held to a minimum. 02/17/03-14 By voice vote, EP.03.08 was approved. REPORTS FOR INFORMATION OF THE SENATE
The Presiding Officer presented the following informational reports: 02/17/03-15 FAC.03.01*, Annual Report of the 2001-2002 Faculty Advisory Committee,
02/17/03-16 HE.03.05*, Report of the December 6 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
02/17/03-17 HE.03.07*, Report of the January 31 FAC/IBHE Meeting,
02/17/03-18 HE.03.06*, Report of the December 10 BHE Meeting,
02/17/03-19 UC.03.03*, Report of the November 21 USC Meeting,
02/17/03-20 UC.03.04*, Report of the January 22 USC Meeting. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DISCUSSION
SEC Chair Robert Fossum moved, without objection, that the Senate convene as a Committee of the Whole to discuss the Evaluation of Electronic Scholarly Publications. Professor Leslie Struble (ENGR), 2001-2002 Chair of the Senate Committee on the Library, highlighted some of the background issues involved in this subject:
- Rising costs (especially journals) and flat budgets are continuing to impact the Library's ability to serve the needs of the University
- Rising costs limit access to scholarly literature
- Tempe, AZ, conference in 2000 sought to propose solutions and develop consensus
- Electronic publishing (e-publishing) is one way to reduce costs and maintain access
- that the Library and the faculty work to reduce costs of journals by applying pressure to publishers,
- that the Senate engage faculty in debate on this issue in order to encourage the faculty to apply such pressure,
- that the University encourage alternative publishing models, especially electronic publishing,
- that the Senate consider the implications of electronic communication to the promotion and tenure process,
- that the Senate endorse the Tempe Principles.
- Why do the humanities cling to the book model for achieving tenure?
- Some publishers have a surcharge on e-journals to cover associated costs of sustainability
- Is technical expertise developed by faculty in the e-publishing process recognized for p&t ?
- Is there an industry standard for permanent availability?
Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.