Urbana-Champaign Senate Organizational Meeting
April 22, 2002
The organizational meeting of the 2002-03 Senate was called to order at 3:55p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium, with Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Pat Askew presiding in the absence of Chancellor Nancy Cantor.
Senate Executive Committee Report
Senator Robert Fossum (LAS), Senate Executive Committee (SEC) Chair, reported that after today’s meeting, the 2002-03 faculty committee chairs will elect from among themselves seven senators to serve on the SEC.Ballots will be prepared based on each eligible chair’s willingness to serve if elected.[1] He then announced that the following senators had agreed to serve as tellers: Phillip Geil (ENGR), Peter Mortensen (LAS), Susan Cole (SSW) and Billie Theide (FAA).
Chancellor’s Remarks
There were no remarks.
Reports for Information of the Senate
Vice Chancellor Askew presented the following reports for information.
04/22/02-01SC.03.01*Report of the Senate Clerk for the Election of Senate Executive Committee Chair and Vice-Chair and for Members of the Committee on Committees
04/22/02-02SP.03.02*Faculty and Student Electorate and Senator Distribution
Senator Alfred Kagan (LIBR) suggested that the Statutes Committee (USSP) look into the process for soliciting additional nominations for the positions listed in SC.03.01, citing the short time period allowed.His concerns were duly noted.
Proposals for Action
04/22/02-03The Vice Chancellor presented for action SP.03.01*, 2002-03 Urbana-Champaign Senate Membership.Senator Joseph Finnerty (CBA), Statutes Committee Chair, moved its approval.04/22/02-04Upon voice vote, it was approved.
04/22/02-05The Presiding Officer presented for action CC.03.01*, Nominations for Membership on the University Senates Conference.There were no floor nominations; nominations were declared closed.The following were elected for three-year terms expiring in 2005:
Michael Grossman (ACES)
David Sisson (VMED)
Priscilla Yu (LIBR)
04/22/02-06Vice Chancellor Askew presented for action CC.03.02*, Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate and the Military Education Council.Senator Michael Murphy (ACES), Committee on Committees Chair, on behalf of his committee, moved approval of the slate.The following senators self-nominated for listed vacancies: Debbie Ehler (Academic Freedom and Tenure); Amy Sponsler (Educational Policy); and Cate Parkin (University Statutes and Senate Procedures).There were no additional floor nominations and nominations were declared closed. 04/22/02-07By voice vote, the slate of committee nominees was approved, as amended.
04/22/02-08The Vice Chancellor presented for action SC.03.02*, Election of One Member of the Urbana Delegation to the University Senates Conference to Serve on the Senate Executive Committee.Ballots were distributed, and the tellers reported the following vote totals:
Michael Grossman (ACES) 17
Nancy O’Brien (LIBR) 28
Robert Rich (LAW) 22
David Sisson (VMED) 8
A runoff election between the top two vote-getters was declared as no nominee received a majority of the 75 votes cast.Ballots were distributed, and the tellers reported the following vote totals:
Nancy O'Brien |
39 |
Robert Rich |
25 |
04/22/02-09Senator O’Brien was declared elected.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Robert C. Damrau, Clerk of the Senate
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.
[1]The chairs subsequently elected were:R. Linn Belford (AD), Joseph Finnerty (USSP), Barclay Jones (BG), Peter Mortensen (EP), Henrique Reis (CO), Richard Schacht (GUP), and Emily Watts (AFT).