University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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March 11, 2002

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium with Chancellor Nancy Cantor presiding.

03/11/02-01 The minutes of the February 4, 2002, Senate meeting were approved as written.

Senator Robert Fossum (LAS), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), reported briefly on the Chancellor's Retreat of February 27 and the SEC's upcoming meeting with the campus liaisons from the Board of Trustees.

Fossum announced that the following senators have agreed to serve as tellers: Emily Watts (LAS), Edwin Herricks (ENGR), Dan Schwarz (GRAD), and Josh St. Peters (ACES).

Chancellor Nancy Cantor spoke to a number of campus initiatives:

· The faculty retreat on February 27 was held to consider cross-campus investment areas as highlighted earlier by the Chancellor and Provost -biotechnology/bioengineering in a "nano" world; the humanities in a globalizing world; American institutions in a demographically-changing world; arts in a technology-intensive world. More than 200 faculty participated; position papers from breakout sessions will be available shortly.

· Dr. Cantor recently met with the Conference on Conduct Governance (CCG), to discuss proposed revisions to the Code: Rule 103, Use of University Premises and Facilities. As provided for in its Bylaws, the Senate submitted its recommendations to the Chancellor on an earlier version; a final proposal will be presented for information at the April 29 Senate meeting.

· Bleak economic news from Springfield will mean a budget cut of about $29 million at UIUC for FY02/03. The Board of Trustees (BOT) will review a tuition hike in March and possibly vote in May. While Dr. Cantor stressed that she and Provost Richard Herman continue to make undergraduate education and the library budget priorities, some campus faculty and staff positions may remain vacant through attrition or retirement.

· The Chancellor sent kudos to Illinois head coaches for recent successes in men's basketball (Bill Self), women's basketball (Theresa Grentz) and wrestling (Mark Johnson).

· The Senate was reminded of the semester-long activities (Exploring the Human Experience) culminating in Maya Angelou's address at Commencement in May; the campus website and the Daily Illini will carry weekly updates on events and performances related to this theme.

Senator Helaine Silverman (LAS) asked Chancellor Cantor if the budget cuts could mean lost jobs for current faculty. Dr. Cantor replied that is very unlikely.

The Chancellor announced that, absent the objections of any senator, the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent.

03/11/02-02 EP.02.19*, Proposal from the College of LAS to Rename the Department of Chemical Engineering to the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,

03/11/02-03 EP.02.21*, Proposal from the College of LAS for an Interdisciplinary Minor in Asian American Studies,

03/11/02-04 EP.02.22*, Proposal from the College of FAA to Revise the Curriculum in Performance Studies in the Department of Theatre.

03/11/02-05 The Presiding Officer presented for action RS.02.01*, Resolution Concerning Senate Discourse. Senator Michael Madonick (LAS), one of the co-sponsors of the resolution, thought the resolution was self-explanatory and moved its approval.

Senators David Berg (LAS) and H. George Friedman (ENGR) asked for the motivation behind this resolution. Senator Emily Watts (LAS), another of its co-sponsors, stated this was a simple reminder that name-calling should not be the order of the day at Senate meetings. Senator Thomas Anderson (EDUC) asked if Robert's Rules provides for rights of courtesy. Senator and parliamentarian Ken Andersen (LAS) replied that Robert's does allow for a point of order which can be invoked if one member of an assembly speaks ill of another.

03/11/02-06 By show of hands (35-29), RS.02.01 was approved.

03/11/02-07 Chancellor Cantor presented for action RS.02.02*, Resolution on Senate Executive Committee Actions. Senator Harry Hilton (ENGR), co-sponsor of the resolution, briefly summarized the events leading to its presentation today. Senator Peter Loeb (LAS), the other co-sponsor, added that he believed we (as senators) must be responsible to our constituents and not have our authority compromised by actions of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC). He moved approval of RS.02.02.

Senator Richard Schacht (LAS), while in general agreement with the resolution, moved to amend each of the 3 components of the resolution, to wit, under 1. change "consideration" to "action", 2. and 3. add "official" before "communications". There was at least one objection from the assembly to these amendments; the Senate voted by voice vote to adopt each of them.

Senator Karen Chapman-Novakofski (ACES) asked if the Senate Executive Committee (SEC) voted on the letter that SEC Chair Fossum sent to the President. Fossum replied in the affirmative.

Senator Edwin Herricks (ENGR) noted that items #1 & 2 reflect current practice and are therefore unnecessary; he added that if one reads the letter to Stukel, it is clear that Dr. Fossum was representing the views of the SEC and not the full Senate.

Senator Hilton maintained that Senator Fossum usurped the authority and action of the Senate by recommending to the President that language other than what the Senate approved should be considered. Hilton also believed that Fossum did not report his actions to the Senate in a timely manner.

Fossum replied that portions of the resolutions are inaccurate - the minutes of the December 3, 2001, Senate meeting reflect that he reported to the Senate about his November 13, 2001, letter to President Stukel, and copies of the letter were distributed to all senators on December 6.

A motion to close debate was approved.

03/11/02-08 By show of hands (26-39), RS.02.02 was defeated.

03/11/02-09 Dr. Cantor presented for action RS.02.03*, Resolution on Senate Communication to the University Senates Conference. Senator Peter Loeb (LAS), co-sponsor of the resolution, described the measure as asking the USC to either reaffirm the wording in ST-30 already approved by the senates or ask President Stukel to delay passing on the proposed amendment to the Board of Trustees while seeking agreement of the senates for alternative wording. He moved its approval.

Senator Friedman asked about the current status of ST-30. Senator Herricks, member of the Urbana delegation to USC, replied that it does not appear on the March Board agenda. He believed that the alternative wording presented in the resolution could possibly belong in the campus procedures - as a result, he recommended voting against the resolution.

Senator Fossum moved to refer RS.02.03 to the Senate Committees on General University Policy and University Statutes and Senate Procedures.

By show of hands (26-28), the motion to refer was lost.

Senator Friedman moved to substitute the following language for RS.02.03 in its entirety, "The Senate instructs its delegation to USC to continue to pursue with the President the original language passed by the three senates."

The motion to substitute Senator Friedman's language for RS.02.03 was approved by voice vote.

03/11/02-10 By voice vote, the substitute motion itself was approved. (Subsequently, this language was forwarded to the members of the Urbana delegation to the University Senates Conference.)

03/11/02-11 Presented next for action was IT.02.01*, Interim Policy on Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems. Senator Jan Novakofski (ACES), Chair of the Information Technology Committee, moved approval of the measure.

Senator Friedman requested that paper copies of the items hyperlinked in the document be provided to all senators. It was agreed that this will be done.

Senator Stephen Kaufman (MED) questioned the apparently conflicting statements found under sections 4. c) and 4. d) ii). The former appears to prohibit use of UIUCnet resources for "purposes unrelated to the mission of the University.", while the latter states that "Use [of UIUCnet resources] by University employees unrelated to their University positions must be limited in both time and resources…". He wanted to know which section was correct, adding that he assumed that section 5 (Web Policy Statement) will be included upon completion.

Senator Novakofski replied that 1) the Committee worked diligently to clear up any possible conflicting statements, and 2) yes, section 5 will be included in the policy when it is completed.

A motion to close debate failed by voice vote.

Senator Dick Mintel (MED) suggested that section 9. b) 1) include the following phrase at the end of the last sentence, "and their faculty should be responsible for developing a security policy consistent with the campus policy."

Senator Fossum moved that due to the lateness of the hour, any unfinished business from today's meeting should be considered at the April 29 Senate meeting under old business. The motion carried by voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.