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Biographical Sketches of Faculty Nominees to the Athletic Board

Kal Alston, Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Women's Studies

Kal Alston is an Associate Professor in Educational Policy Studies and Women's Studies. She is an Affiliate in African American Studies and Research and in the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory. She is currently serving as Interim Director of Women's Studies. Her research interests include the cultural construction and representation of early adolescence and the role of female agency in marketing romance, understanding power, and recreating social institutions. She has served on the EPS and WS advisory committees, the Graduate Programs and Research Committees in Education, and both the undergraduate and graduate student disciplinary subcommittees. She is currently serving on the College Executive Committee in Education as well as the Library Allocation Steering Committee and the Gender Equity Committee at the campus level. She has been designated one of the campus's CIC Administrative Leadership Fellows for 2000-01.

Kathleen Conlin, Dean, College of Fine and Applied Arts

As Dean of one of our mid-sized, but structurally complex, colleges, I have worked to promote several campus wide initiatives including the origin of the Crossing Borders humanities/art/social science project funded by the Ford Foundation; the planning of a major arts and technology conference in collaboration with LAS in 2002-2003; developed the theme and presented a session on faculty engagement at the 2001 Chancellor's Conference; served as artistic director and participant for two of the Chancellor's public events marking the September 11 tragedy; developed and narrated an evening performance showcasing college faculty and students for the University Foundation fall weekend; chaired the Campus Charitable Fund Drive leading us to a successful $1M campaign for national and regional community social service organizations; and serve on the Allerton Park and the Arboretum advisory boards. Most recently I have secured funds to develop two new projects in the College: a) the "Teaching as a Fine Art" Teaching Academy, and b) a college-wide career planning and mentoring project for FAA undergraduates. As Dean, I have developed a rigorous implementation of third-year review and sixth-year faculty evaluations, have stabilized budgets in the College (while retiring deficits), and secured private funds for our I space Gallery in Chicago (and other College projects). My own professional work continues as a theatre director; I am the Casting Director and soon to be named Associate Artistic Director of the Utah Shakespearean Festival--a Tony Award winning regional theatre. I serve as President of the National Association of Schools of Theatre and Vice-President of the National Theatre Conference in New York City.

My interest in sports began twenty years ago as a doctoral student at the University of Michigan. A devoted football fan--and eventually a basketball fan--I remained active in supporting athletics at other significant "sports" schools, namely the University of Texas at Austin and Ohio State University. Student issues of academic achievement, concerns for academic and program integrity, and the growth of athletics at Big Ten universities concern me. As a faculty member and department chair at these universities, I had frequent dealings with athletic advisors on students progress and course concerns. Through this work, I found that recruiting and mentoring students in the performance areas of the arts bore many similarities to those processes for athletes (although not on the same scale of consequence in the public's eye). As Dean, I continue to support the athletic programs, monitor and strive to improve the performance conditions for the Marching Illini, and maintain my interest in collegiate and professional sports. My husband and I supported our son through four consecutive years of lacrosse, soccer and basketball at his competitive prep school. If we had a daughter, I am sure we would have been there for her as well!

David Kuehn, Professor, Department of Speech and Hearing Science

On behalf of the College of Applied Life Studies and Dean Tanya Gallagher, we wish to nominate Dr. David Kuehn for consideration for the Athletic Board. Dr. Kuehn is a tenured full professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science. Dr. Kuehn is an internationally recognized scholar in the area of speech science, with particular expertise in the area of cleft palate in children. He has presented his work in this area throughout the nation and around the world. Dr. Kuehn has provided leadership at the national level as the Vice President for Research of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, a professional association of some 100,000 scientists and practitioners. In that capacity, Dr. Kuehn successfully worked with colleagues from around the country with divergent views and perspectives about the science and practice of speech-language pathology and audiology. As a professor at the University of Illinois, Dr. Kuehn has been an active teacher and a committed faculty mentor to both undergraduate and graduate students. He is actively interested in the University of Illinois' athletic activities, regularly attends events, and is well informed about policy and management of these programs. Dr. David Kuehn is a senior scholar in the College of Applied Life Studies, a balanced and reasonable colleague, and a true statesman. For all of these reasons, we believe that he would be an excellent addition to the Athletic Board.

Thank you for your consideration of this nomination. For additional information regarding this nomination, please contact: Ruth Watkins, ALS Associate Dean, 333-2131 or Bill Goodman, ALS Director of Budget and Resource Planning, 333-2131

Jerry Packard, Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

Jerome L. Packard, Professor of Chinese and Linguistics in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC), came to UIUC in 1991. As a member of the registered student organization Illini Table Tennis since his arrival (currently serving as its President, and serving as its Treasurer from 1994-95), Professor Packard is deeply interested in policies governing the relationship between academics and intercollegiate athletics. He has served twice as EALC Department Head (1995-96 and 1999-present), and has been a member of the UIUC Senate from 1992-2000 and 2001-present. Professor Packard has served on the Senate Educational Policy Committee (1999-present), the UIUC Outcomes Assessment Committee (1999-2000), the Senate General Education Foreign Language Subcommittee (1991-94), the LAS Honors Council (1996-97), the LAS Foreign Language Requirement Waiver Committee (1993-99), and the SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education) Executive Committee (1992-95). Professor Packard teaches Chinese language, Chinese linguistics and Chinese psycholinguistics, and is the author of four books and numerous articles on those subjects. He has been a nationally ranked table tennis player and a member of USATT (USA Table Tennis, the recognized national governing body for the sport of table tennis in the United States) since 1974.

Biographical Sketches of Student Nominees to the Athletic Board*

Todd Fischer (Junior, College of Commerce and Business Administration)

1. I sincerely want to become a member of the Athletic Board so that I can personally assist the University athletic program in continuing the success and integrity that it has established within the University and across the nation. While in high school, I was selected by the administration as the inaugural and only student-athlete representative on the Athletic Academic and Discipline Committee. As captain of the basketball and baseball teams while also being the valedictorian of my graduating class, I was well respected by the administration and surrounding communities for my opinions and for defining what they felt a true student-athlete should be. As a member of the Athletic Board my main objective would be that our athletes are given the opportunity to become true student-athletes by making sure that academic as well as athletic achievements are encouraged by the standards that are set and upheld. I feel the Athletic Board has an opportunity to also play a vital role in our student-athletes' progress toward a college degree and a productive career aside from athletics. Membership on the board would also assist me in my future career in sports marketing. While interning in the sports business in the St. Louis area the past several summers, I have personally seen the positive impact that respected figures in these organizations can have with their commitment to other commendable activities in the surrounding communities. Being a member of this board will allow me to make a current impact on the athletic program while at the University and will encourage me to stay involved with such organizations throughout my career.

2. I am currently involved in a diverse mix of activities at the University of Illinois and in the surrounding community. My average participation time in extra curricular activities per week is approximately 5-6 hours. This time is well spent as a volunteer 6th grade basketball coach with the Champaign Park District (through Volunteer Illini Projects), with my professional business fraternity (Phi Gamma Nu), Orange Krush, and Illini Pride, as well as the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. However, I have lightened my time commitments this semester in order to assure ample time to be devoted to the Athletic Board Committee. I am not employed and see no problem in meeting the time commitment needed to assist the Athletic Board to my fullest capability.

3. Although I have not been previously involved with the Athletic Board, I have made a continuous effort to support the University athletic program through various opportunities that arise. On campus, I have been a part of Volunteer Illini Recruiting for women's volleyball. I am currently an active member in Illini Pride and Orange Krush and assist their executive board with special events throughout the year. I have also recently been asked by the St. Louis sports Commission to assist them with the logistics and sponsorships for the Illinois/Missouri "Border War" football series, which will be held in St. Louis during the 2002 and 2003 seasons. These experiences combined with my background in athletics will allow me to have a strong understanding of the issues dealt with by the Athletic Board.

4. With receiving the privilege of serving as a member of the Athletic Board I would cordially accept the time commitment that comes with it. I believe that assisting in the continued success of an organization such as the Athletic Board will provide lasting benefits for the University as well as myself that will be well worth my time.

Brenna Renee Webb (Junior, College of Applied Life Studies)

1. I would like to become a member of the Athletic Board because I show a great deal of interest and support for U of I athletics. As a student, I have shown my interests in Illinois athletics by working as a student employee for Illinois Football during the school year and summer for the past two years. In addition, I have also served as a Volunteer Illini Football Recruiter (V.I.R.) for two years. Within V.I.R., I have been selected as a student coordinator for the 2002 fall season. If selected as a member of the Athletic Board, my main goal would be to represent the student body the best way I could and share their comments and concerns on the athletic program. I also would like to inform the average University student on how much the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (D.I.A.) value and appreciate their support of our teams. By doing this, I hope to raise school spirit in all Illinois athletic programs. Membership on the Board greatly reflects my career goals. I am currently working toward an undergraduate degree in Sports Management, where I later plan attending graduate school under the same title and ultimately working within a college athletic department.

2. My involvement in the football program usually keeps me occupied about 10-12 hours per week, depending on the season. In addition, I am a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority where I commit around 1-1/2 hours per week for chapter meetings. I feel as though my extracurricular activities will not in any way conflict with time I can devote toward the Athletic Board. On the contrary, I feel as though my primary involvement and employment with Illinois Football will complement my membership on the Athletic Board.

3. As a freshman, I was a member of the 1999-2000 Illinois Cheerleading Squad. I cheered Football, Men's and Women's Basketball, and traveled in the post-season to the Big Ten and NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament. As mentioned, my primary activity is with the Illinois Football program year round. I work as a V.I.R. in the fall season, speaking with high school recruits and also helping out coaches with various office tasks. During the summer, I work with the high school 7-on-7 football tournament and the youth football camps. Throughout the year I am a student employee at the football office where I answer phones, send out mailings to recruits, and type various office projects for coaches. I have also had the opportunity to work with Dave Johnson, marketing director for D.I.A., organizing the Ron Turner and Bill Self Radio show. Both are hosted once a year at Kappa Alpha Theta where I have been in charge of planning, promoting, and setting up the show for the past two years.

4. I would have no problems devoting my weekends toward the Athletic Board with the exception of Saturday home football games in the fall. As V.I.R. coordinator, I am expected to be at every home football game, however if there was an instance where I was needed, I am confident that something could be negotiated. Any other time, there is no conflict.

*The following questions were asked of each nominee:

1. Why do you want to become a member of the Athletic Board, and what are your qualifications? If selected to be a member of the Athletic Board, what would your main goal or objective be? How would membership on the Board relate to your career goals?

2. In what other activities (clubs, honoraries, etc.) are you involved on campus, and how many hours per week do you participate in them? How much time will you be able to devote to the Athletic Board? (Are you currently employed or involved in another time-consuming activity that might limit your ability to serve on the Board?

3. Have you previously been involved with the Athletic Board or the UIUC athletic program in general? If so, please describe.

4. If selected to be a member of the Athletic Board, how would you feel about devoting part of your weekends (i.e. Friday evenings and/or Saturday/Sunday mornings) to this committee?