University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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Urbana-Champaign Senate
February 16, 2004; 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium

I. Approval of December 8, 2003, Senate Minutes

II. Senate Executive Committee Report -Michael Grossman, Chair

III. Chancellor's Remarks- Oliver Clark, Executive Director for Public Safety, will present his annual report.

IV. Questions/Discussion

V. Consent Agenda
Proposal to Change the Title of B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees, Aerospace Engineering
Educational Policy (V. Burton, Chair) EP.04.15

Revision in the Cinema Studies Option of the LAS Interdisciplinary Major
Educational Policy EP.04.16

Revision of the Engineering Physics Curriculum
Educational Policy EP.04.17

Proposal to Transfer the Department of Economics to LAS from the College of Business
Educational Policy EP.04.18

Revision of the Undergraduate Curriculum in Early Childhood Education
Educational Policy EP.04.19

Creation of Four Areas of Concentration within the Bachelor of Fine Arts Theatre Degree
Educational Policy EP.04.20

Formalization of Three Areas of Concentration within the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Crafts
Educational Policy EP.04.21

Creation of Three Concentrations within B.M.E.
Educational Policy EP.04.22

VI. Proposals for Action
Resolution on the Selection of Higher Administrative Officers
General University Policy (R. Schacht, Chair) and Senate Executive Committee GP.04.01/SC.04.09

Nominations for Faculty Membership on a Consultative Committee to Assist in the Selection of a President
Committee on Committees (J. Prussing, Chair) CC.04.08

Nominations for Student Membership on a Consultative Committee to Assist in the Selection of a President
Committee on Committees CC.04.09

Senate Approval of Nominations for the Athletic Board
Committee on Committees CC.04.07

Nominations for Standing Senate Committees
Committee on Committees CC.04.10

Senate Executive Committee

Senate Executive Committee

VII. Proposed Revisions to the Senate Bylaws
Revisions to the Bylaws Part D.17 - Committee on University Senates Conference
University Statutes and Senate Procedures (J. Finnerty, Chair) SP.04.06

Revision to the Bylaws, Part D.9. - Committee on Educational Policy
University Statutes and Senate Procedures SP.04.07

VIII. Reports for Information of the Senate
Annual Report to the Faculty
Faculty Advisory Committee (M. Stuart, Chair) FAC.04.01
BOT, January 15, J. Finnerty, SC.04.07
FAC/IBHE, December 5, K. Andersen, HE.04.05
BHE, December 9, K. Andersen, HE.04.06
USC, January 23, N. O'Brien UC.04.04

IX. New Business

X. Adjournment