Draft of February 8, 1998 - Comm. #1 (CBOC)

N.B. Proposed Revision of Section IV.A of Office of the Provost Communication No. 1. Changes from the current edition are in Sections IV.A.2 and beyond.

IV. Oversight and Annual Review

A. Campus Budget Oversight Committee

1. Duties

The Campus Budget Oversight Committee is the general advisory body on budget policy and planning for the campus community and has the following duties:

The CBOC may form task forces as needed to deal with specific issues. Task forces shall include at least two CBOC members and may include any other persons, including persons external to the campus, having specific needed expertise.

Each member of the CBOC has a continuing, individual charge to serve as a representative of the campus community as a whole and to avoid behaving as a partisan advocate for his or her units.

2. Composition

The Campus Budget Oversight Committee shall have 15 members, 12 of whom shall be faculty members drawn from six general disciplinary areas, each having two places on the Committee. The faculty members shall be the voting members of the Committee. The disciplinary areas are as follows:

The CBOC shall also have three nonvoting members appointed from the campus administration. One shall be the designee of the Provost and shall also serve as staff to the Committee. The other administrative members shall be designated by the Chancellor as described below.

The Chair of the Deans’ Budget Committee, although not a member of CBOC, shall be invited to attend and participate in the meetings of CBOC as needed to coordinate the work of DBC with that of CBOC.

Terms for members from the faculty.

    1. The standard term of appointment for faculty members shall be 3 years.
    2. Terms shall be staggered on a 3-year basis.
    3. No member from the faculty may serve more than two full terms consecutively. (For purposes relating to the interpretation of this rule, any appointment running two academic years or longer shall be counted as a full term.)
    4. Any vacancy occurring in advance of the end of the spring semester prior to the expiration of a standard term of appointment shall be filled for the remainder of the term, after which a new term of appointment shall begin. Vacancies occurring subsequently need not be filled, but may be filled at the discretion of the Provost and Senate Council.
    5. Vacancies shall be filled by the Selection Committee (the Provost and the Chair and Vice Chair of Senate Council), either from recent slates of nominees in the areas from which the members vacating the seats were selected, or (if they deem this recourse not to suffice in some instance) from a new pool of nominations solicited from the designated nominators for the area in question.

Eligibility for membership from the faculty.

    1. Faculty membership on the CBOC shall be restricted to faculty members on full-time tenure-track appointments (but see item c. below).
    2. Members who accept full-time administrative appointments (excluding interim appointments) on the Urbana campus shall be replaced at or prior to the time these appointments take effect. Members who accept full-time administrative appointments at Urbana on an interim basis may continue to serve on the CBOC through the duration of these appointments subject to the approval of the Provost and Senate Council.
    3. Members who retire prior to the completion of their terms may complete their terms.
    4. Members who wish to take advantage of opportunities involving residence elsewhere during the spring semester of any year of their term of appointment on CBOC shall be replaced, at or before the beginning of that academic year if possible.
    5. Except in unusual circumstances and when the Provost and Senate Council concur, members who accept permanent academic or administrative appointments elsewhere entailing resignation of their Urbana appointments shall be replaced upon their acceptance of such appointments.

Terms for administrative members. Administrative members shall be appointed annually and shall be eligible for immediate reappointment. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner indicated below for normal appointment.

3. Nomination and Appointment

Membership from the faculty.

    1. Nominations shall be made only in those areas in which seats on the CBOC are open. (In all areas there will be no open seat once every three years.)
    2. Nominations shall be received from the deans and directors of colleges and like units in which faculty hold regular appointment, from the Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College (VCR/DGC), and from the Senate Committee on Committees. Table 2 defines nomination privileges in more detail. The VCR/DGC may make two nominations each year, one in each of two disciplinary domains of his or her choosing. The Director of the Beckman Institute is accorded input into the process through other nominators.
    3. Appropriate nominees are faculty members connected with the disciplinary areas in question. Faculty members who are also departmental or college executive officers are eligible, but their total representation on the CBOC is limited to five places.
    4. In arriving at their nominations, deans and other nominating executive officers shall consult with their executive (or counterpart) committees; and the Senate's Committee on Committees shall solicit suggestions from the Senate membership and from the campus community more generally.
    5. Nominations shall be reported to the Provost. All nominees shall have indicated their willingness to serve if selected, with the understanding that the standard term of appointment to the CBOC is three years.
    6. The resulting list of nominations shall go to the Senate Council for review and presentation to the Senate. The Council's review allows for the possibility of questioning any nomination submitted; of discussing questioned nominations with the nominators, the Provost, and appropriate others; and of deleting such names from the list if it deems this to be warranted.
    7. Upon receiving the slate of nominees from the Senate Council, the Senate may either approve the slate as it stands or return it to the Council for reconsideration and resubmission.
    8. Once approved, the slate shall be presented to the Provost who, together with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate Council (constituting the "CBOC Selection Committee"), shall make the final selections of those to fill the open seats.
    9. In the CBOC's first year the total requisite number of committee members in each area shall be selected by this same process. Those finally selected shall be appointed to terms of one, two or three years by the Selection Committee, in numbers appropriate to achieve equal three-part staggering, subject to the condition that the members in a given area must be appointed for terms of differing length. After the first year there normally will only be one committee member at most to be elected from each area, and each person selected shall be appointed to a three-year term.
    10. The results of the selection process, and the complete composition of the CBOC to which it contributes, shall be announced by the Provost to the Senate, to the Council of Deans, and to the larger campus community. No further confirmation procedure shall be required.
    11. The CBOC as so constituted and officially announced, with its newly selected partial membership, shall become the operating CBOC at the beginning of the fall semester following the completion of its constitution, and shall continue in operation until its successor replaces it in like fashion. In the event that the constitution of its successor is delayed, it shall continue in operation until such time as its successor has been duly constituted and announced.

Administrative members. The Provost’s designee is the Associate Provost for planning and budgeting. Each Vice Chancellor other than the Provost shall be invited annually to nominate a member from his or her staff for a one-year term on the CBOC. The Chancellor shall choose from among the nominees after receiving the advice of the Selection Committee.

Chair. The Selection Committee shall choose the Chair of the CBOC from among the faculty membership. The term of appointment shall be one year, but a Chair shall be eligible for reappointment for one additional term.

Table 2

Nominations for Membership from the Faculty on the CBOCa

Disciplinary Area

Eligible Nominators


Basic and Applied Life Sciences

Dean, College of ACES


Dean, College of Applied Life Studies


Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine


Senate Committee on Committees


Behavioral and Social Sciences

Dean, College of ACES


Dean, College of Applied Life Studies


Dean, College of CBA


Dean, College of Education


Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Senate Committee on Committees



Dean, College of ACES


Dean, College of Engineering


Senate Committee on Committees


Humanities and Creative Arts

Dean, College of Communications


Dean, College of Fine and Applied Arts


Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Senate Committee on Committees


Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Dean, College of Engineering


Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Senate Committee on Committees


Professional Programs and the University Library

Dean, College of CBA


Dean, College of Education


Dean, College of Law




Director, Institute of Aviation


Director, ILIR


Dean, School of Social Work


University Librarian


Senate Committee on Committees


(a) The Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College may make one nomination each year in any two domains with open places.