University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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April 30, 2007


Committee on General University Policy

GP.07.03 Annual Report for 2006-2007
(Final; Information)

The Senate General University Policy Committee (GUP) is responsible for studying, reporting and making recommendations to the Senate concerning general University policy in broad terms.  The following report summarizes the activities of GUP during the 2006-2007 academic year.  GUP met seven times (September 13, October 11, November 8, December 6, January 17, March 7, and April 4).

Items that have been under active consideration this year (2006-07):

GP.03.06         Review of University Administrative Structure
Our attention this year focused on the position of Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), which President White was considering eliminating.  GUP felt that it was important to retain the position, on a full-time basis, and to fill it with someone capable of playing a significant role in the University administration.  Our sense of the matter was conveyed informally both to the Senate Executive Committee and to the University Senates Conference, which were pursuing the matter vigorously.  President White eventually decided to keep and fill the position.  We do not yet know who the new VPAA will be.

GP.06.01         Reporting of Fraudulent Activities
GUP strongly pressed for language changes in the General Rules that would have permitted problems with respect to what counts as “fraudulent activities” to be reasonably resolved.  GUP’s proposal was endorsed by University Senates Conference.  To date, however, these changes have not been made.  GUP will continue to monitor this issue.

GP.06.03         Research Board
GUP brought this matter under active consideration toward the end of the year because changes have been suggested by the Vice Chancellor for Research that would fundamentally alter what the Research Board does.  It considered and adopted a statement supportive of retaining the Research Board in its present form and function.  This will be an issue GUP will continue to monitor.

GP.07.01         Proposed Amendments to the General Rules (Articles III and V) related to Intellectual Property
GUP considered the proposed new language on Intellectual Property in the General Rules, and recommended a number of changes in the proposed new language to address certain concerns.  Its recommendations were endorsed by the University Senates Conference, and have been incorporated into the proposed new language.

GP.07.02         Global Campus
GUP spent a great deal of time on this issue this year, and made a number of recommendations that were adopted by the Senate and affected the handling and substance of the proposed Global Campus initiative.  Its role in the Senate’s action and in the action eventually taken by the University administration and the Board of Trustees to launch the initiative was a significant one.  GUP will continue to monitor developments relating to the Global Campus.

GP.07.04         Multi-Year Contracts
GUP reviewed the draft of a Provost Communication relating to the implementation of the “Program for Multi-Year Contracts for Eligible Academic Staff” that the Senate has approved, incorporating some changes Chair Schacht had suggested, and concluded this is an item GUP should continue to monitor as it takes shape and its implementation begins.

GP.07.05         Policy on Conflicts of Commitment and Interest
GUP reviewed the draft of a proposed revision of the University’s “Policy on Conflicts or Commitment and Interest” that is under consideration for presentation to the Board of Trustees for adoption, and concluded that some of the new language warranted modification.  It considered and approved a statement of a number of observations, concerns, comments and recommendations, for transmission to the University Senates Conference and others working on the revision of this policy document.

Items that are being monitored by the committee:
GP.01.01         UI-Integrate (UI2)
GP.02.01         UIUCnet Funding Plan
GP.05.01         University Administration Academic Professionals
GP.05.02         Campus Master Plan
GP.06.02         Strategic Plan

General University Policy
Richard Schacht, Chair
Kern Alexander
Jake Butcher
Roy Campbell
Carol Livingstone
Joseph Manfredo
Lyle Shipton
Colin Wraight
Ruth Watkins, Ex officio