University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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Urbana-Champaign Senate
March 30, 1998; 3:10 p.m.
Foellinger Auditorium

I. Approval of the March 9, 1998, Minutes

II. Senate Council Report—Richard Schacht, Chair

III. Chancellor's Remarks
Note: Assistant Provost Karen Carney, campus coordinator for the March 1999 North Central Association accreditation visit, will address the Senate during this portion of the agenda.

IV. Questions/Discussion

V. Consent Agenda

Proposal from LAS to Revise the Master's and Doctoral Programs in German
Educational Policy (R. Linn Belford, Chair), EP.98.02

Proposal from LAS to Establish an Interdisciplinary Minor in Science and Technology in Society
Educational Policy, EP.98.11

VI. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes (First Reading; Information)

Proposed Editorial Revisions to the University Statutes
University Statutes and Senate Procedures (H. George Friedman, Chair), SP.98.06

VII. Proposals for Action

CBOC Proposal
Senate Council, SC.98.14

Proposed Revision in Rule 83 of theCode of Policies and Regulations Applying to All Students, Evening, Midterm and Hourly Examinations—All Students
Conference on Conduct Governance (Carl J. Jones, Chair), CG.98.01

VIII. Reports for Information/Discussion

NCAA Graduation Report
Athletic Board (Tony Waldrop, Chair), AB.98.02

First Report of the Senate Council ad hoc Tenure Issues Committee
Senate Council ad hoc Tenure Issues Committee (Don Uchtmann, Chair), XTI.98.01

IX. Reports of the Proceedings of Other Meetings

BOT, February 12-13, 1998, R. L. Belford, SC.98.16

FAC/IBHE, February 27, 1998, W. McMahon, HE.98.06

UPC, February 5, 1998, R. L. Belford, UP.98.02

USC (G. Belford)
January 22, 1998, UC.98.04
February 24, 1998, UC.98.05

X. New Business
Matters not included on the agenda may not be presented to the Senate without the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.

XI. Adjournment