University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

Academic Calendars CommitteesFaculty Policy Guide Honorary Degree Awards SEC Meeting Schedule Senate Agendas & Minutes Senate Meeting Schedule Senate Meeting Videos Senate Members Senator Guide



Urbana-Champaign Senate
October 8, 2012
3:10 pm
3rd Floor - Levis Faculty Center

I.   Call to Order—Provost Ilesanmi Adesida
II.   Approval of MinutesSeptember 10, 2012
III.   Senate Executive Committee Report—Matthew Wheeler
IV.   Chancellor’s Remarks—Provost Ilesanmi Adesida
  • Questions/Discussion
    V.   Consent Agenda
      If a senator wishes to move an item from the Consent Agenda to Proposals and have copies at the meeting, they must notify the Senate Office at least two business days before the meeting. Any senator can ask to have any item moved from the Consent Agenda to Proposals.
      EP.13.01 Proposal to establish a Graduate Concentration in Romance Linguistics in the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, the Department of French, and the Department of Linguistics, School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

    Educational Policy
    (G. Miller, Chair)

      EP.13.03 Proposal to Revise the NRES (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) Concentration Requirements: Resource Conservation and Restoration Ecology Concentration

    Educational Policy
    (G. Miller, Chair)

      EP.13.04 Proposal to Revise the NRES (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) Concentration Requirements: Global Change & Landscape Dynamics Concentration

    Educational Policy
    (G. Miller, Chair)

      EP.13.05 Proposal to Revise the NRES (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) Concentration Requirements: Fish and Wildlife Conservation Concentration

    Educational Policy
    (G. Miller, Chair)

      EP.13.06 Proposal to Revise the NRES (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences) Concentration Requirements: Human Dimensions of the Environment Concentration

    Educational Policy
    (G. Miller, Chair)

    VI.   Proposals
      CC.13.04 Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate

    Committee on Committees
    (P. Kalita, Chair)

      GP.12.10 Policy Governing Electronic Surveys and Questionnaires

    General University Policy
    (N. Burbules, Chair)



      SP.12.06 Revisions to the Constitution and the Bylaws Regarding Conduct of Senate Meetings and Formulation of Meeting Agendas - (Second Reading; Action)

    University Statues and Senate Procedures
    (W. Maher, Chair)

      SC.13.04 SEC Statement on Faculty Representation and Shared Governance

    Senate Executive Committee
    (M. Wheeler, Chair)

      SC.13.06 Reaffirmation of SC.11.14, SEC support for Council of Academic Professionals Resolution

    Senate Executive Committee
    (M. Wheeler, Chair)

    VII.   Current Benefits Issues (5 min)-John Kindt, Chair of Faculty and Academic Staff Benefits
    VIII.   Presentation: 2013 Admissions Goals and Enrollment Management Goals– Stacey Kostell, Director of Undergraduate Admissions
  • Questions/Discussion
    IX.   Reports
      AD.13.01 2013 Enrollment Management Goals and Office of Undergraduate Admissions Goals

    Admissions (M. Biehl, Chair)

      SC.13.07 BOT Observer Report – September 14, 2012 A. Aminmansour
      HE.13.01 FAC/ IBHE Report – September 21, 2012 K. Andersen
      UC.13.02 USC Report – September 18, 2012 J. Tolliver
      FAC.12.01 FAC 2011-2012 Annual Report C. Koslofsky
    X.   New Business
    XI.   Adjournment



    Please step to the microphone and identify yourself
    when you address the Senate.


    To print a Senate Packet, click here.
    (Does not include Consent Agenda items)