University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Senate

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November 4, 2002

A regular meeting of the Urbana-Champaign Senate was called to order at 3:10 p.m. in Foellinger Auditorium with Chancellor Nancy Cantor presiding.

11/04/02-01 The minutes of the September 30, 2002, Senate meeting were approved as written.

Senator Robert Fossum (LAS), Chair of the Senate Executive Committee (SEC), referring to the handout at the door, indicated that a motion will be made under New Business to add an Executive Session to the end of today's agenda for purposes of considering nominations for honorary degrees for Commencement 2003.

Fossum moved, without objection, that floor privileges be extended to Professors Alex Kirlik, Art Kramer, Dan Morrow, and Esa Rantanen, Institute of Aviation, to speak to EP.02.37.

Fossum announced that the following senators have agreed to serve as tellers: R. Linn Belford (LAS), Krista Jurs (ACES), David Sisson (VMED), and Abbas Aminmansour (FAA).

Dr. Cantor encouraged members of the assembly to visit the Chancellor's web site to review the outline of her October 16 "big picture" presentation to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. She indicated that she would be seeking faculty and student input on elements of the presentation within the next month, through steering committees and other methods.

The Chancellor then turned the podium over to Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Pat Askew, who delivered the following prepared remarks:

Thank you for this opportunity to make some brief comments today about the role of Student Affairs in the educational mission of our campus.

The mission of Student Affairs is to work collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff to create an environment that supports and enhances learning and the personal development of students. We focus upon assisting students to develop their cognitive, affective, and physical potentials as they pursue a degree. We contribute to the campus's mission of preparing students for leadership and involvement in an increasingly diverse, technologically sophisticated, and complex global society.

Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, including academic colleges and the Office of the Provost, have collaborated to:

" Enhance the first year experience including New Student Convocation, Discovery Courses, and the First Year Impact program.
" Living and learning opportunities have been expanded from one community, Unit One at Allen Hall, to five communities with about 1,500 residents. The new communities include Women in Math, Science, and Engineering; Global Crossroads; Weston Exploration that supports students in the exploration of a major and career; and LEADS based upon the Illinois Leadership™ philosophy. Graduate students teaching courses in these communities comment on the high engagement level of the students in their courses.
" Faculty, staff, and students have created a national model for student leadership development called Illinois Leadership™. With private gift assistance, a series of core programs are being developed and offered throughout the year with students from all colleges and class levels participating. The Illinois Leadership™ Center opened on the second floor of the Illini Union this fall. The part-time director of the Center is Ray Price, Professor of General Engineering.
" Discussions are on-going in support of extended classroom experiences such as community-based learning, undergraduate research, and study abroad.

These synergistic approaches are helping students integrate their classroom and co-curricular experiences, develop leadership skills valued by employers, and prepare to live and work in a more diverse and global community.

Many of the individuals here today are engaged in providing academic courses, advising, or student services to the 38,300 students on campus this fall, the largest enrollment in the history of the campus.

Who are our students and what are some of their salient characteristics?
" The Urbana-Champaign campus ranks among the top 15 most highly qualified student bodies at public research universities.
" Illinois attracts an academically talented, diverse class of first-year students. Among the 6,366 new first-year students, 67% had graduated in the top 10% of their class, and one-quarter had ACT composite scores in the range of 31-36.
" 11% of the new first-year students are from out-of state.
" The six-year graduation rate is outstanding - 79% of the first-year students who matriculate to our campus complete a bachelor's degree.
" You have probably noted that when there is an economic downturn, the number of students enrolling at the graduate level increases. This trend is apparent this year with 446 more graduate students.
" International students comprise 40% of the graduate enrollment with the largest numbers of students coming from China, Korea, and India.

What are some of the challenges students encounter?
" Current students report high levels of stress. Due to advances in medicine, more students with psychological and emotional problems are enrolling at residential campuses. Suicide ideation, gestures, and attempts have increased significantly during the past five years from 84 to 127 students annually. Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and the Graduate College have been working together to create greater awareness of this health issue and to encourage faculty and staff to report any incidents to the Counseling Center so that the students may be seen by a clinical counselor immediately, or other appropriate interventions taken.
" Many students are coming to campus with established patterns of alcohol and drug abuse. Students have worked with faculty and staff members to initiate several new approaches to address this national issue, including the use of the Alcohol 101 CD ROM with all first-year students; a confidential mandatory assessment for students transported to the hospital for alcohol poisoning; and a social norms educational approach that uses actual data from the CORE survey to educate students about the impact of alcohol or drug use on U. of I. students' personal safety, academic performance, and the disciplinary consequences.
" The approaches initiated by our campus to address suicide and substance abuse have been cited as "best practice" models nationally.
" The planned renovations of campus recreation facilities will provide, in addition to expanded space for fitness and health, creative new spaces for late night and weekend activities initiated by student organizations.

The programs and services provided by staff members in Student Affairs are integral to students being able to focus on their academic pursuits. For example:
" The Office of Student Financial Aid distributed more than $186 million of financial aid to students last year. About 80% of the undergraduates at Illinois receive some type of need- or merit-based aid at some time while an undergraduate.
" Financial aid is now deposited to students' accounts prior to the first day of classes. Students may now apply for financial aid using an electronic application and check the status of their aid and student account on-line.
" Using federal college work study funds, our campus has more than 500 students serving as paid tutors in every elementary school in Champaign and Urbana, and at community sites such as the Don Moyer's Boys and Girls Club and Orchard Downs. These student tutors are part of the America Reads and America Counts programs - an excellent example of public engagement.
" Last year there were 111,000 student visits to McKinley Health Center. The flu immunization campaign has helped many students escape the flu epidemic that usually hits just before final exams.
" More than 8,550 undergraduate students live in University Housing, and Dining Services prepares more than 3 million meals annually. Last year Daniels Hall on Green Street was renovated for graduate student housing and signifies a new direction in student housing on campus. Residents report high levels of satisfaction.
" Student Affairs collaborated with Illinois Student Government to produce and distribute 20,000 "Stop Hate" brochures to the campus community; initiated a web site for reporting to the Dean of Students incidents of harassment, discrimination, and intolerance; and coordinates a campus-wide safety campaign.
" The Emergency Dean Program coordinated by the Office of the Dean of Students provided emergency assistance on weekends and evenings to 768 students last year. I'm sure that you prefer that we get those 4 a.m. phone calls!

This year "the big push" will be on the testing and implementation of UI Integrate. Hundreds of staff members in Student Affairs and academic units across the campus will be engaged in extensive training sessions to prepare for implementation dates in 2003-2004.

Thank you for providing this opportunity for me to highlight how Student Affairs and Academic Affairs are working in concert to foster an environment that supports student learning and personal development.

I would be glad to respond to any questions.

Senator James Barrett (LAS) asked why the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) election date was set for December, which is possibly the busiest time of the semester . The Chancellor responded that it was a mutually agreed upon date, with the administrative law judge recommending it.

Chancellor Cantor announced that the following proposals were approved by unanimous consent. (Senator Steven P. Hill (LAS) requested that EP.03.01 and EP.03.02 be moved to Proposals for Action.)

11/04/02-02 EP.02.35*, Proposal from the Council on Teacher Education for a Revision to the Social Studies Teaching Option of the History Major in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum,

11/04/02-03 EP.02.37*, Proposal from the Institute of Aviation for the Termination of the Master's Degree in Applied Engineering Psychology and the Creation of a M.S. in Human Factors,

11/04/02-04 EP.03.03*, Revision of the Supporting Coursework Requirements for the Rhetoric Major.

11/04/02-05 Chancellor Cantor presented for action SP.03.03*, Revision to the Bylaws, Part E, Section 2 - Faculty Advisory Committee. Senator Joseph Finnerty (CBA), Chair of the Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Procedures, explained that the Board of Trustees approved a statutory revision in July 2002, allowing each campus to determine eligibility for membership on its Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC). This Bylaws revision would codify the practice first recommended by the Urbana-Champaign FAC to allow only tenured faculty members to be nominated and to serve. He moved its approval.

Senator Terry Weech (LISC) expressed concern that this was another example of the campus becoming less inclusive for faculty of all ranks. Senator Nancy O'Brien (LIBR) spoke in favor of the proposal, citing her work on the FAC as one which often required greater institutional knowledge than that possessed by non tenured faculty.

Senator Richard Schacht (LAS) pointed out that provisions of this proposal are consistent with the current practice and composition of promotions and tenure committees, i.e., faculty do not consider p&t decisions for faculty of higher rank.

Senator Linda Beale (LAW), speaking as a tenure-track assistant professor, believed that the proposal would limit public service opportunities for those of her rank.

Senators Ronald Peters (ILIR) and Herman Krier (ENGR), past and present FAC members, respectively, both supported the measure and described the myriad of issues which come to the Committee, not exclusively promotions and tenure grievances.

11/04/02-06 By show of hands, SP.03.03 was approved.

11/04/02-07 The Chancellor presented for action SP.03.07*, Housekeeping Revisions to the Bylaws Revising Senate Council to Senate Executive Committee (SEC). Senator Finnerty described this housekeeping proposal as stemming from SP.02.04, approved by the Senate on December 3, 2001, in which Senate Council's name was changed to more closely reflect the function of the Committee. This proposal merely changes the Committee's name in each place it appears in the Bylaws. He moved its approval.

11/04/02-08 By show of hands, SP.03.07 was approved.

11/04/02-09 Dr. Cantor presented for action SP.03.08*, Housekeeping Revisions to the Standing Rules Revising Senate Council to Senate Executive Committee (SEC). Senator Finnerty recapitulated the background of the previous proposal, adding that SP.03.08 merely updates the name "Senate Council" in each place it appears in the Standing Rules of the Senate. He moved its approval.

11/04/02-10 By show of hands, SP.03.08 was approved.

11/04/02-11 The Chancellor presented for action CC.03.05*, Nominations for Membership on Standing Committees of the Senate. Senator John Prussing (ENGR), Chair of the Senate Committee on Committees, moved approval of the slate of nominees. There were no floor nominations and nominations were declared closed.

11/04/02-12 By voice vote, the slate was approved.

11/04/02-13 Dr. Cantor presented for action EP.03.01*, Proposal to Rename the College of Commerce and Business Administration to the College of Business. Senator Hill asked about the nomenclature for degrees earned from this "new" College. Senator Peter Mortensen (LAS), Educational Policy Chair, replied that determination was beyond the scope of the proposal.

11/04/02-14 By show of hands, EP.03.01 was approved.

11/04/02-15 EP.03.02*, Proposal from the College of LAS to Revise the Interdisciplinary Minor in Jewish Culture and Society. Senator Hill asked about the apparent contradiction about the maximum number of hours for a minor. (The background indicated Senate guidelines suggest a maximum of 20 hours, while this proposal calls for 21.) Senator Mortensen pointed out that the Senate guidelines are just that, a recommended number of hours - it is not a requirement.

11/04/02-16 By show of hands, EP.03.02 was approved.

11/04/02-17 Chancellor Nancy Cantor presented for information and discussion CG.02.07*, Revisions to the Code of Policies and Regulations Applying to All Students, Rules 11, 12, and 14. Senator Nicholas Burbules (EDUC), Chair of the Conference on Conduct Governance, briefly described the background of this proposed revision to the Code.

He also pointed out that the phrase "where the University community's interest is substantially affected." should be added after "facilities" on line 12, after "property" on line 129, after "computers" on line 135, and the phrase "when this action substantially affects the University community's interest" should be added after "discipline" on line 176.

Senator Peter Loeb (LAS), recalling the Senate discussion about sanctions short of dismissal for cause, suggested CCG consider adding "inappropriate" before "conduct" in the germane passages of the proposal.

Senator Al Kagan (LIBR) asked about the approval process for revisions to the Code. Senator Burbules replied that the Senate may provide its advice on any Code revisions presented on behalf of CCG, and that the Chancellor is the final arbiter. He added that it has been his experience that the Chancellor normally heeds Senate discussion of substantive revisions.

Senator Barclay Jones (ENGR) was disturbed by implications in the proposal that some crimes may be condoned, since the University may not choose to pursue disciplinary action against perpetrators of same. Burbules replied that it would be next to impossible to determine what would constitute a serious enough offense to trigger these provisions.

Senator Jay Rosenstein (COMM) asked for an example of a violation of a Board of Trustees' action, as indicated in lines 20-21. Senator Burbules pointed out that language is not part of today's revisions, but believed that the phrase referred to a violation of a policy that the Board may adopt, such as one limiting demonstrations.

Senator Burbules thanked the Senate for their input and indicated he would forward the final document, as revised, to the Chancellor.

The Presiding Officer presented the following reports for information:

11/04/02-18 FB.03.01*, Items Under Study by the [Faculty Benefits] Committee,

11/04/02-19 EP.03.04*, Report Regarding Educational Policy Implications of the UI Integrate Initiative,

11/04/02-20 HE.03.03*, Report of the October 1 FAC/IBHE Meeting,

11/04/02-21 UC.03.01*, Report of the September 24 USC Meeting.

Senator Al Kagan (LIBR), member of the Faculty Benefits Committee, reminded senators that FB.03.01 is requesting input regarding the items under study listed on the Committee's report.

A motion to add an Executive Session to today's agenda to consider honorary degree nominations for Commencement 2003 was approved.

The Senate approved a motion to enter Executive Session for purposes of discussing honorary degree nominations. The Senate exited Executive Session at 4:20 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

Robert C. Damrau, Senate Clerk
*Filed with the Senate Clerk and incorporated by reference in these Minutes.